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How To Monitor Your Thoughts and Why


An average human being thinks about 50,000 – 60,000 thoughts on any given day. We are an embodiment of our thoughts. They influence our day, happiness and overall life satisfaction. Here are a few reasons why we should monitor our thoughts

  1. Thoughts turn into actions

Our life is not a dress rehearsal, every choice matters. To truly act in line with our objectives we need to monitor how we speak to ourselves. Many people are unaware of their negative thoughts. For example,  “You’re never going to get that job, don’t kid yourself” influences a person to remove themselves from an opportunity whether the thought is rational, or not. Normally negative self talk is not factual but based on an insecurity. Do you really want your insecurities to guide your choices?

2. Thoughts precede emotions

The most painful emotions are immediately preceded by some kind of interpreting thought.  For example, a new connections doesn’t telephone when they said they would.  If your interpreting thought is, “They don’t like me after all,” you would feel sad at being rejected.  If your thought was, “They deliberately lied to me about calling,” you might feel anger at their lack of authenticity .  This simple insight forms the heart of why we must monitor out thoughts: You can change your feelings by changing your thoughts.

How to monitor your thoughts

1.Practice awareness

This should be your overarching rule.

Take time to really unpick why you feel a certain way, at any one time. Awareness derives from the practice of mindfulness which is, being present, in every moment and objectively understanding why you feel and in turn act in any given way.

If we take the above example regarding a new connection that doesn’t telephone when they said they would – awareness allows you to insert rationality into the thought process – before you act out a negative emotion and become either sad or angry.

2. Honesty

Is this thought honest and based on fact?

3.  Evidence

Do you have factual evidence/experience to support your thought?

4. It is within your remit?

Is this thought something you can do something about, if not is it worth your thinking time?